Nomadic Fumes

Sunday, March 26, 2006


The nurse was wearing a blue shirt with little bears on. This kind of comforted me.

That was until - during the eye exam - she started yelling at another nurse that she was busy enough without having to take on Dr.X's 10 o'clock (that would be me). I was told to go back to room 411.

About 15 minutes later she stormed in there announcing she was going to draw blood.

She stuck a needle in what I told her is my wrong arm.

She looked a bit puzzled. No blood (and that, I am sure, is the main purpose of drawing blood).

"Try my other arm" I told her "In this one I don't even have a pulse."

"You should have told me" she said matter-of-factly (is it really that common to have arm-with-no-pulse- patients or was she not paying attention??).

"I did but...." I stopped talking, considering it was better not to upset the person in possession of the needle. She pulled my sleeve up high and started beating my arm with two fingers. (Still, all I could think of was that the elasticity would give and that later one sleeve would be more baggy than the other.)

"I found one" she muttered, more to herself than to me. Apparently right next to my elbow was the second best spot to stick a needle.

No blood. "This never happens" she said, implying that it was somehow my fault.

"It should work in your hand". Now I started to panic. Had I fallen victim to a nurses betting pool (how many places can I stick a needle in a patient before she runs screaming out the door)?

Ouch this hurts. No blood.

"I'll go get the doctor" she said, already half way out the door.

Dr. X arrived. Five agonizing minutes and five blood samples, coming out of the side of my wrist, later I was dismissed. My hand, my wrist and my elbow where burning (a day later they would be blue and purple).

On my way out I realized she forgot to do the "pee in a cup" thing. For sure I wasn't going to come back after fasting another 12 hours so I asked a nurse what to do.

Nurse a-lot-of-needles-but-no-blood appeared out of nowhere.

"YOU" she shouted while pressing a cup in my hands "THERE" aiming at the nearest bathroom.

It wouldn't surprise me if they'll find some traces of fear in my urine.


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